Zootopia - The Plot

This fantasy animation centres on Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), a female rabbit who dreams of becoming a police officer in urban Zootopia. Despite the fact that there has never been a rabbit police officer before, she overcomes this obstacle and completes her police training to the highest standard. On her first day as a police officer she is assigned parking duty and is hustled by con artist, Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman), a red fox.

The next day, determined to prove herself, she jumps at the opportunity to crack a case about the disappearance of 14 predators. Partnering up with Nick Wilde, she intends to solve this mystery and is given only 48 hours to solve the case, along with a condition that if she fails she must resign. 

As we follow Hopps journey, we see the 'savage' nature of animals and the governmental conspiracy behind it all. It is a film that is also jam-packed with stereotypical humour and if one is to compare this world to ours, we can see that racism isn't always apparent. However if anything, it teaches us to overcome discrimination for as Wilde advices her, "Never let them see that they get to you."



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